Roof Gardens & Planter Boxes

The Atlantis Drainage Cell is ideal for Planter Boxes and Roof Garden Design. Excellent growing conditions are achieved by draining only excess water, leaving high moisture content. This content produces optimal growing conditions for vegetation above the Atlantis Drainage Cell. The Atlantis Drainage Cell acts as a protective membrane for waterproofing over concrete slabs.

The Atlantis Drainage Cell also provides ventilation to concrete slabs, alleviating heat induced stress and cracking.


  • Efficiently removes only excess water
  • Promotes fast and excellent plant growth
  • Reduces Urban Flooding
  • Reduces water contamination by filtering at source
  • Retains a minimum of approximately 76L/m2 of perched water above the cells
  • Strong structure can support heavy loads
  • Easily Installed



layers section
green highway before         green highway before

For more information or quote, please contact us on 1300 728 922 or email: